Secure your investment

What is Casa Vista?

Casa Vista is a review system based on SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Opportunities, Threats) applied to a property

It is carried out on the basis of quantitative aspects, such as number of rooms, bathrooms or garages, and qualitative aspects, general condition, location, quality of the materials used in its construction, etc.

The analysis involves more than 42 key points and is made by experts, each one in their own area.

What is it for?

It allows both the owner who hires it and the person interested in buying a property, to know in advance the exact details, the valuation of the aspects that ultimately determine a solid position when negotiating both the sale, in the case of the owner, or the purchase if it is the case of the person who is going to bid is who acquires our service.

Please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to elaborate on the details of this service.

Always consider to resolve the contracting of Casa Vista with sufficient time in advance.

Our technical teams are permanently operational, and we always like to meet our clients’ expectations

Some issues to consider

I may help you!

Contact Javi

It will be a pleasure to contact you personally. Depending on your requirements, we will establish a work plan, with time limits, in order to resolve your purchase or sale transaction as quickly as possible.
